

Datoer 2025

Så er datoerne for Tareths besøg i 2025 på plads og vi synes lige vi ville lægge dem ud så du/i har mulighed for at få dem sat i kalenderen så hurtigt som muligt.

Der er planlagt 2 besøg i 2025


           29. - 30. marts

             1. -   2. november

Programmet for hans besøg i marts måned er på plads.

Vi glæder os meget til at være sammen igen til nogle forrygende dage.

Sidste Nyt

To dages workshop i marts

Tareth kommer næste gang sidst i marts måned og temaet for workshoppen er på plads. Der bliver en to dages workshop i Haderslev lørdag den 29. og søndag den 30. marts begge dage kl. 11 - ca 17.30.

Du kan se Tareths egen beskrivelse længere nede på siden.Temaet for workshoppen er som altid spændende. Det bliver den samme workshop som han holder i Glastonbury i februar måned og igen tror vi den vil være opløftende og healende for os alle

Vi skal denne gang igen være i vores gamle lokale og adressen er Kulturhus "bispen" Bispebroen 3, 6100 Haderslev.

Er du interesseret i at høre mere, så kontakt os på innerlightdk@yahoo.dk eller

tlf. 29 89 51 87


Under punktet Innerlightcenter finder du en række nyttige kontaktoplysninger og links.

‘Transcendence of the Inner Soul Light’

‘Planetary Consciousness for Ascension’

Our beautiful earth remains in a phase of huge change, where the need for expansion of spiritual awareness on a planetary level has never been greater.

We will work to help bring about this transcendence, by becoming more consciously aware of our responsibilities, both individually and as a collective, which all play an active part in the ascension process.

Growing a much deeper harmony within ourselves by acknowledging the shadows and working through them for healing on a deep soul level, we can really expand the light of our own being.

These profound meditations will create more harmony within your physical and subtle mind so it can be integrated on a much deeper level of your physical energy, then into the chakras to harmonise into oneness.

The elements are also evolving, which will all be joined together within the earth’s consciousness, to help harmonise and bring everything together. To create this balance, we will use some of the manifested cosmic sounds, which were the last sounds Tareth manifested on10-10-2020 for this time.

Tareth will give each of you a personal symbol to deepen your connection with the new energies, which he will then guide you through in meditation to really empower it for yourself and explain how best to use it.

All of this will then be brought into complete harmony with the ‘source of creation’ within you, where we will attune this into a oneness of the new soul light.

In the Light of the Source

lørdag den 29. og søndag den 30. marts

begge dage kl. 11 - ca 17.30

Kulturhus "Bispen" Bispebroen 3, 6100 Haderslev

