

Datoer 2024

Så er datoerne for Tareths besøg i 2024 på plads og vi synes lige vi ville lægge dem ud så du/i har mulighed for at få dem sat i kalenderen så hurtigt som muligt.

Der er planlagt 3 besøg i 2024


           22 - 24 marts

           14 - 16 juni

           26 - 27 oktober

Programmet for hans besøg i juni måned er nu på plads.

Vi glæder os meget til at være sammen igen til nogle forrygende dage.

Sidste Nyt

To dages workshop i juni

Der bliver en to dages workshop i Haderslev lørdag den 15. og søndag den 16. juni begge dage kl. 11 - ca 18.

Du kan se Tareths egen beskrivelse længere nede på siden. Vi synes selv at det lyder som en dejlig workshop.

Vi skal denne gang være i vores gamle lokale og adressen er Kulturhus "bispen" Bispebroen 3, 6100 Haderslev.

Er du interesseret i at høre mere, så kontakt os på innerlightdk@yahoo.dk eller

tlf. 29 89 51 87


Under punktet Innerlightcenter finder du en række nyttige kontaktoplysninger og links.



‘Sun& Cosmic New Subtle Chakras’

‘Our Earth is a Portal to Higher Consciousness’


Our beautiful planet is a living consciousness, and at its very centre is a powerful portal of expansion for the new energies of awakening. It connects us with all the past spiritual teachings to embrace the wisdom they hold, as a gateway for this new era.


We will connect with the centre of earth, to bring a unity of spiritual understanding, where time past and cultural differences can dissolve into a oneness. Working deeply with this portal, we will also unite many of our ancestor’s spiritual gifts, which will help the awakening process.


This will give us another step for the now and all the magical times to come during our work together. This will include working with two new subtle chakras above the crown, a Sun Chakra and a Cosmic Chakra,which will create within you a beautiful connection with the universal energy of source. Unique combinations of manifested sounds will also be used throughout our time together, to enable a gentle integration of these new energies into your physical and subtle bodies.


Tareth will take you into this new energy of unity to be in the light and healing of source. We are in an age now where harmony and dissolving all differences has never been more prevalent, there is so much more ahead, and your light really contributes to a brighter future.


We will continue working with crystal consciousness and the crystallinegrid of earth (so please bring along with you the crystal you received last time or choose a crystal of your own, which you love to meditate with) so we can really deepen this connection, andwe will also share with you, how best to connect with it in your own time.

 We will also work together to share healing and deep connection to to the Source, this will include working with the breath of light, whic hcan give connection to the new energies and be very healing

In the Light of the Source


lørdag den 15. og søndag den 16. juni

begge dage kl. 11 - ca 18.

Kulturhus "Bispen" Bispebroen 3, 6100 Haderslev