

Datoer 2024

Så er datoerne for Tareths besøg i 2024 på plads og vi synes lige vi ville lægge dem ud så du/i har mulighed for at få dem sat i kalenderen så hurtigt som muligt.

Der er planlagt 3 besøg i 2024


           22 - 24 marts

           14 - 16 juni

           26 - 27 oktober

Programmet for hans besøg i oktober måned er nu på plads.

Vi glæder os meget til at være sammen igen til nogle forrygende dage.

Sidste Nyt

To dages workshop i oktober

Der bliver en to dages workshop i Haderslev lørdag den 26. og søndag den 27. oktober begge dage kl. 11 - ca 17.30.

Du kan se Tareths egen beskrivelse længere nede på siden. Vi synes selv at det lyder som en dejlig workshop. Temaet for workshoppen er som altid spændende og igen tror vi den vil være opløftende og healende for os alle

Vi skal denne gang igen være i vores gamle lokale og adressen er Kulturhus "bispen" Bispebroen 3, 6100 Haderslev.

Er du interesseret i at høre mere, så kontakt os på innerlightdk@yahoo.dk eller

tlf. 29 89 51 87


Under punktet Innerlightcenter finder du en række nyttige kontaktoplysninger og links.



‘Crystallised Consciousness’

‘Temple of Earth-Temple of Mind’


Crystalline consciousness plays a vital part in our connection with the spiritual light of source within us. This consciousness in the infinite stream of mind is not limited to our planet, it connects us physically,subtly and spiritually with the whole universe, cosmos and beyond.

Every crystal has a harmonic resonance with all other crystals and now the crystal consciousness energy, is rising to a new higher vibration for this time of awakening. This crystallised awareness on your spiritual journey will become another beautiful step into the light of oneness.

We will work deeply with all of the spiritual energy centres of earth,which brings together profound teachings from time past into the light of now. What we do in service for the source, helps open the doorway for every soul awakening to their true spiritual purpose.

We will continue working with the two new Sun and Cosmic Chakras, which will create within you a beautiful connection with the universal energy of source using manifested sounds from earth energy centres, along with sounds of crystal consciousness.

A‘physical stone’ manifested from the Temple of Thoth and linked to the Grail, will bring into our beautiful sanctuary, the wisdom of these profound teachings. We will play the sounds manifested by Tareth in the Great Pyramid of Giza to crystallise the temple of earth into the temple of your

consciousness, which play a significant part in humanity’s spiritual awakening.

This will be a wonderful, uplifting and healing day and become a major step in the energy for our future work. Remember to bring along a crystal with you to absorb all of this beautiful energy that will beheld within it.

In the Light of the Source


lørdag den 26. og søndag den 27. oktober

begge dage kl. 11 - ca 17.30

Kulturhus "Bispen" Bispebroen 3, 6100 Haderslev